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How to cope with Monday mornings

Your weekend was wicked! So much fun. Damn, its Sunday evening already. You're starting to get that feeling of anxiousness and dread that time is going too fast. Ahhhh! Monday is here

You don't want to be stuck in this cycle again! This week, on Friday afternoon...try these tips to keep that Monday morning stress away.
1. P r e p a r e Saving 30mins to do these 3 things at the end of your working Friday is one of the best tips I can ever give! It's a game changer . Clear your work space, make it suit your idea of loveliness! For me, I aim not for perfection but showing a clear sense of order (its the Montessori teacher in me). This way you know just what to expect when you begin on Monday!

2. G e t o u t t h a t l i s t Who doesn't love a list? It doesn't matter what the list is on (a pretty pad or a post it note). In these precious 30mins you want to make notes of next week's plans, goals and appointments. If there is anything outstanding from the current week, you need to know about it. The main thing is to remember and jot down tasks so you go into the week ahead full of confidence without ideas swimming around in your head all weekend!

3. M i n d s e t This can and will affect so much! You can Google or print off your positive quote. I have positive post cards with quotes attached. Put this on your desk. You can even take a photo of it and save it as your phones screensaver, noticing it throughout the weekend, reminding yourself that the next week is going to be awesome!

Let me know if these are helpful and how you prepare best for the week ahead To book your free call to discuss working together....where every Monday will be stress free, click this link


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