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8 Best Executive Virtual Assistant Tools

Doing this job, I couldn't cope without these tools!

I'm often asked what tools I recommend, leading me rather nicely onto this blog. These tools are exactly what I use in my role as an Executive Virtual Assistant. You'll thank me later

Canva - My ultimate go to tool for designing graphics and templates that are perfect for social media. I pay extra for the Pro version as it allows me to have phenomenal branding with fonts and colours, but the free version is great too.

Calendly - Take out all the hassle and backwards & forwards with clients when booking appointments, by sharing your calendar. It has saved me so much time!

Zoom - Communicate virtually with your clients by sending an invitation.
"You're on mute...!" Hahaha Design created in Canva

Google Calendar - I have shared access to my clients calendar, and Google Calendar is easy to navigate, add appointments and set reminders. To go even further, you can colour code and add extra details such as locations, notes and attendees.

Asana - There are many customer and project management tools to choose from. Most are really similar and I tend to use whichever tool my client is familiar with. Other free options are Dubsado, Click Up & Trello.

LastPass - securely stores and shares the last password used across devices. This is a really helpful tool when businesses use a VA.

Google Drive - I encourage my clients to share their documents and files with me through Google Drive. They can easily set access limits (editable or just to view) and see when I have made changes. Perfect for Word, spreadsheets, presentations.

Toggl - Here, you can manually record time or set the timer running. It produces reports that can be used for invoicing purposes and can be split by task or client. I use this tool every day!

This should get you started. Remember, you don't have to be a Virtual Assistant to use these tools. They would be helpful across the board in business and personal life!

If you haven't read my blog about Essential Skills to be a VA - click here

Any questions, leave a comment or get in touch!


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